De Groene Boog Rotterdam


The new A16 Rotterdam motorway should significantly improve accessibility and liveability in the region. The 11 km long motorway has been divided into three subareas by contractor combination De Groene Boog (Besix, Dura Vermeer, Van Oord, TBI, John Laing and Rebel). Safe was already involved in the first subarea. Then we were commissioned to support a viaduct in subarea 3. And in the last week of 2021, we were asked to take on a complex job in subarea 2 as well.

Subarea I

Here we provide the support structures for a large number of pillar beams and concrete decks. With regard to the latter, we have now completed the biggest challenge; K10. This structure is divided into two separate decks with a total length of 103 metres. The decks are curved and rise in a diagonal direction. The deck thickness to be supported is maximum 1550 mm and has a concrete area of 3600m2. As there was no load-bearing foundation here, we founded the support on steel beams. Want to know more? Support structure supported (

Subarea II

In subarea II, we provide the support and cover formwork for the land tunnel. This involved 18 non-standard sections, which the contractor's steel tunnel formwork could not cope with. Right up our people's street! In total, more than 13,000m2 of concrete surface has to be supported. Some slots have to be fitted with a PVR. De Groene Boog also relies on Safe for these profiles of free space.

Subarea III

In this subarea, Safe was asked to help think about a special structure: K52B. This tubular viaduct, which will be built at a pre-construction location between the existing motorways, has a length of over 50 metres and a concrete surface area of over 1,000m2 to be supported. The structure to be supported lies in a cant which rises in a longitudinal direction. In addition, the concrete structure lies in a curve, which means that no two props are the same height. We provide the support and formwork for the lower plate and upper plate, including the wings of the hollow core deck. Complex, but just then Safe is in its element!


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